Events » Andrew Demirjian » Echoes of LiberationEvents
Andrew Demirjian » Echoes of Liberation
Saturday, October 10, 2020 - 4:00pm
Sunday, October 11, 2020 - 4:00pm
Meet at John Cotton Dana Library
185 University Ave, Newark, NJ 07102
Free and Open to the Public
Echoes of Liberation walking tour
Please join us for a socially distanced, guided walking tour of the new Audio AR artwork, Echoes of Liberation, on the Rutgers University-Newark (@runewark) campus. The tour takes place entirely outdoors and meets in front of the Dana Library in Norman Samuels Plaza at 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday, October 10 and 11. Echoes of Liberation is a sonic monument honoring members of the Black Organization of Students (BOS) who advocated for greater inclusivity in enrolling students and hiring professors at Rutgers University-Newark during the late 1960’s.
The artwork is a co-created project between sound artist Andrew Demirjian (@silentpatterns) and graduate students from Rutgers University-Newark (@rutgersgsn) and NJIT (@instanjit), in conjunction with the arts and history project Newark Rhythms (@newarkrhythms). The piece thematically excerpts interviews with BOS members and spatially maps them to sections of the campus to allow visitors to hear their reflections on the liberation of Conklin Hall, its planning and aftermath. On the tour, Demirjian will discuss the genesis of the project, provide historical context and describe the aesthetic approaches the group used for parsing and mapping the audio.
*Masks required.*
Past Events

Alan Ruiz

Dominique Duroseau

Matthew Jensen

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Aural Fields Zero / Resonant Bodies I

Tamar Ettun

Daniel Neumann » Resounding the Tower

Andrew Demirjian » Sonic Cement

Tyshawn Sorey in Concert + Conversation

Handwriting the Constitution

Handwriting the Constitution